HAM Radio
Video Overview & Equipment List
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Inventory Of Equipment


Mosley Classic 33 Triband yagi
Cushcraft A50-3 6m yagi
Hustler 6-BTV vertical, 80M-10M
Hy-Gain rotator mounted inside tower; plus control box and 200’ of cable
40M dipole
80M/40M dipole together
160M dipole
4 runs of RG8X coax about 75 feet long each
Ameritron RCS-4 remote antenna switch
5-position manual rotary antenna switch
5 coax jumpers of various lengths
2 boom end caps @ 1 7/8” diameter
2 hose clamps @ 1 7/8” diameter
1 insulated standoff spare for CL-33 driven element (with bolts)
11 PL259 coax plugs with reducers for RG8X coax
2 spare double female coax connectors
1 double male coax connector
4 small pulleys
3 1” hose clamps
2 small eye hook screws
4 small galvanized wire nut U-bolts
6 ¼” nuts and lockwashers
8 ½” nuts and lockwashers, plus 6 flat washers
5 spare mounting bolts for rotator
5 colored velcro tie-wraps for marking coax, etc
3 velcro straps
Handful of 11” and 14” plastic tie-wraps for bundling antenna elements for storage, etc.
There is additional wire and coax in the “green footlocker” in the container if David can find it.


Kenwood TS-570SG transceiver with 1.8kHZ and 500Hz filters (swap for mode)
Samlex switching power supply with DC cable for Kenwood (clean, no hash)
Astron switching power supply (birdies on 80M)
Heil Proset headset/microphone with Kenwood (Elecraft) adapter
Heil BM-10 headset/microphone wired for Kenwoods
Vibroplex CW paddle, not iambic
Bencher CW paddle, iambic
Daiwa SWR/power meter
MFJ 484 Grandmaster Memory keyer
CT keying cable for parallel computer port; has both ¼” and 1/8” plugs
RS232 cable for rig control using a computer serial port
2 audio jumper cables with 1/8” mono plugs – good for RTTY
Spare DIN plugs – 6 pin and 7 pin
1 spare 1/8” mono plug
Set of Amidon toroids and bypass capacitors to de-hash switching power supply


Weller soldering station plus some solder
Radio Shack soldering pencil (not very good)
Radio Shack VOM, good for basic continuity and voltage measurements)
6-position 110VAC outlet strip
1 single-outlet 110VAC extension cord
1 phono Y adapter plug
1 spare phono plug
1 ¼” mono Y adapter plug
Solder lugs – 12 open end, 6 closed end
4 rubber feet, peel and press
2 ferrite cable clamps for RFI suppression
5 BUSS AGC-20 fuses
2 3-amp automotive fuses
Spare DB9 female connector
Transistors:  MPS2907 (PNP), MPS2222A (NPN)
1 1N4733A 5.1V zener diode


2  100 ft lengths RG8X coaxial cable
1  115 ft lengths RG8X coaxial cable
1  160 ft length copperweld antenna wire
2  135 ft lengths insulated antenna wire
1  wire vee-beam for 30 20 + 17 meters
2  105 ft lengths insulated antenna wire
2  122 ft lengths insulated antenna wire
16  50 ft radial wires
3  100 ft lengths  3/8 inch nylon rope
1  800 ft spool 1/8 inch nylon twine
1  large roll of baling twine
2  power cords  1 US  -  1 UK


Complete workshop available on site…


CL-33 antenna
A50-3 antenna
CT contest logging program
MMTTY primer
US Tower
MFJ 484 Grandmaster keyera

NOTE:  All Miscellaneous items and tools are located in a Pelican case stored in the container.  Some wire antennas and coax may be in the Pelican case also.  All aluminum antennas are also stored in the container.  The rig, power supplies, Bencher paddle and Manuals are stored in the Heavenly Suite in the lower cupboard left of the fridge.  Some wire antennas and coax may be stored here also.